Home Page

Hey, welcome to my website. This is where I put the work I have created
onto the internet for you to see. I have games, artwork, and animations
on here that I have worked on. I have worked very hard and I hope you
enjoy it and come back! The links to the left brings you to a game I
created, the Google search engine, and App Inventor 2. The character
on the left will bring you to the JavaScript game where you can
catch as many enemies as you can in 30 seconds(or however you want to
it). The App inventor link will take you to Google sign in where you
have to sign in before it takes you to the website.

Broken World Image

The original artwork above was made with pencil and paper and then put on
the computer when it was photographed. It was sent to an account and downloaded
to a desktop where I was able to work on it in a graphic program called Painter.
I used multiple layers in the image so that I didn't couldn't mess up the whole
image.I traced over it with a black, flat color pen. Then I filled it in with
color using a variety of tools including tools like watercolor and flat color pen.
I shaded it with the tools just add water, blur, and digital airbrush. I converted
it from a RIFF file to a JPG file so I can reduce the image down to one layer. The
images themselves are a boy with a smiling mask on in front of a broken world background.
The mask symbolizes that he is basically pretending to be happy all the time, so
he puts the mask on. The broken world symbolizes that he feels like his world is
crumbling before him and he feels like he can't do anything right. So he is a broken
boy on the inside that pretends like everything is fine. He is also floating in space
because he feels alone and like he has no one on his side and no one that worries
or cares about him. How do you feel about the image? Did I do ok on presenting
it in the form of artwork?

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My Beginning Animation

Animation created and designed in Painter